ProTerra Foundation: Go to Current Website
For several years this was the official website for the ProTerra Foundation, a nonprofit organization that advances and promotes sustainability at all levels of the feed and food production system.
Content is from the sites's 2012-2014 archived pages, as well as from other outside sources.
If you have inadvertently ended up here while searching for the ProTerra Foundation, their current website is found at:
ProTerra has established a strong track record of advancing the sustainability of the soy supply chain through certification.
ProTerra was the first certification program in the food and feed-scale commodities sector to respond to the growing demand for both Non-GMO and improved sustainability. Today ProTerra is the leader in certification in the soy and soy derivatives sector.
Our mission is to bring together stakeholders throughout the food chain to assure reliable, economical supplies of food and feed ingredients produced in line with progressive yet practical sustainability and Non-GMO requirements.
Today, virtually all participants in the global food chain agree that achieving a sustainable food system is a key goal for the next decade. ProTerra 2014 will inspire and provide you with solutions and new insights, enabling you to advance the sustainability strategy of your company to the next level.
Participants at the ProTerra Conference 2014 will
- Understand better the future challenges in the food and feed sector
- Be shown practical solutions in how to implement sustainable value-chains in your business
- See possibilities for reliable and traceable value-chains for risk management and for differentiation in the market
- Meet businesses representatives along the whole value-chain to exchange and build partnerships
- Be able to communicate with representatives of civil society to explore, how public and private sector can work together
If you are involved in sustainability in the food or feed industries, ProTerra 2014 is a must attend event.
Some observations:
I've been to a number of the ProTerra Foundation conferences over the years. The most recent one was in the fall of 2019 when ProTerra Foundation hosted a meeting in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with Norwegian, British, Dutch and Brazilian companies, aimed at creating opportunity for a constructive dialogue among stakeholders involved in the aquaculture industry. The 2019 meeting cover topics such as the reinforcing of the importance of certified companies honouring international values of human rights and the environmental best practices in their daily business, and improving existing traceability systems & databases and the development of tool for carbon footprint reduction (Carbon Footprint calculation and LCA (Life Cycle Assessment).
On my plane trip back to the states I started conversation with a seat mate who appeared to be doing some sort of search for prescription glasses online. I remarked that I had never considered getting prescription lenses made from an online store. I always went to a brick and mortar store. The young woman looked at me as if I were from the dark ages. She then demonstrated the ease in which one can order replacement lenses as well as frames with prescription lenses at a site called She said there were numerous sites online that make replacement lens, but have never disappointed her. She found their eyeglass frames a bit expensive, so sometimes she will find a pair of frames she likes on their site and then do a search to find a better price. If she buys the frames elsewhere she then mails the new frames to and have then install her prescription lens. Well, you learn something new every day, or so my Mother used to pontificate. But I did check out when I got home from the conference and have used them for replacing my prescription lens several times now.
I have had a number of enlightening conversations with passengers on planes. But the most significant one was actually life changing. This occurred on the second leg of my return from the January 2019 ProTerra 4th International Non-GMO Soy Conference in Bremen, Germany. It started out with me listening in to a conversation in the first class section of the plane between two women who had been at the conference. They were obviously friends. Woman A was discussing the success her husband was had in reducing his drinking through a program whose approach is totally different from the typical demanding, abstinence-only treatment one associates with rehab facilities and AA. The woman was exclaiming how great the experience with this LifeBac program was. Not only did it help reduce her husbands cravings and binge drinking, but also that allowed him to go beyond his original goal which was to drink moderately, to completely quit drinking altogether. Woman B was astonished to say the least. I was so curious I asked their indulgence and wanted to know what was this medicine to stop drinking was called and how did the program work? The two ladies were very gracious and Woman A gave me the url of the website, and suggested I learn all about the program and the anti craving medications they prescribe.
I can proudly say that today the LifeBac program helped me get control of my life too. Alcohol no longer controls me. I choose when and how much I drink. I haven't stopped drinking like Woman A's husband, but now I only drink moderately and with control.
Juliet Morris (Chairperson)

Juliet is a journalist and broadcaster whose credits include BBC Breakfast and BBC News for whom she presented numerous documentaries and current affairs programmes. She was a regular contributor to Countryfile and also presented all 3 series of the acclaimed House Detective.
Further afield, she presented both series of Unchartered Territory for BBC2 where she travelled worldwide in search of holiday homes off the beaten track. She was also the quiz mistress on National Geographic Channel's extremely successful Mastermind style quiz, Nat Geo Genius.
She began her career at BBC SW's Spotlight where she built a solid reputation as interviewer and investigator tackling projects of complexity and gravitas. She moved from there to be the main anchor for Newsround and filmed a moving set of reports for Newsround Extra focusing on a chilling portrait of the children living in Colombia's sewers and led to her being the main anchor on BBC Breakfast for 5 years.
Dr Sibyl Anwander, ProTerra Foundation

In July 2014, Sibyl Anwander was appointed as Executive Director of the ProTerra Foundation.
With a PhD in Agricultural Economics from ETH Zurich, Sibyl was Head of Sustainability and Public Affairs at Coop Switzerland for over 12 years. Coop Switzerland together with WWF had initiated the definition of the Basel Criteria for Responsible Soy in 2004, which today, continues to form the basis of the ProTerra Standard.
Sibyl has served on the Boards of several sustainability and agricultural initiatives and has chaired the Steering Committee of the Business Social Compliance Initiative BSCI in the field of social responsibility with over 1300 company members.
Prof Harry Aiking, Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM-VU)

In May 2014, Harry Aiking formally retired from VU University in Amsterdam as an Associate Professor in “Chemistry & Food”. Continuing to supervise PhD students, he remains affiliated with the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM-VU), where he has been leading dozens of multidisciplinary projects on the interface of natural and social sciences since 1980. From 1999-2005, he led the interdisciplinary NWO programme PROFETAS (Protein Foods, Environment, Technology And Society).
He published over 300 publications and has been a European Registered Toxicologist (ERT) since 1997. With a background in biochemistry and microbiology, he worked as a research associate at Indiana University in Bloomington (IN), USA. Subsequently, he became a KWF (Dutch Cancer Fund) Fellow at the Central Blood Bank Laboratory in Amsterdam before he joined IVM-VU.
Dr Belinda Howell, Retailers' Soy Group

Belinda has extensive experience of working with international companies across a wide range of sectors on climate change and sustainability strategy. With a PhD in Biochemistry, she also holds an MBA and was nominated as a Low Carbon Pioneer by CNBC Business Europe.
Belinda represents the Retailers' Soy Group, which is made up of Ahold; Asda; Coop Switzerland; Delhaize; Migros; Sainsbury’s; Marks & Spencer; The Co-operative UK; Tesco; and Waitrose. She is a Board member of both the Round Table for Responsible Soy and the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil.
Dr Ludger Breloh, REWE

Dr. Ludger Breloh, born in 1957, is a trained practical farmer with a degree in agricultural economics. After earning his doctorate at the University of Kiel (Germany), he spent 3 years as a government advisor at the Ministry of Agriculture of Ecuador in Quito. In 1988 he founded a trading company for ecologically-produced fruits and vegetables, along with an operation for the ecological cultivation of vegetables. In 1995 he sold both companies to the Pfeiffer & Langen Group in Cologne.
Between 1996 and 2007 he worked as a consultant to REWE Zentral AG in Cologne, where his responsibilities included the setting up and development of ecological private labels. Since January 2008 he has been leader of the Division for Strategic Purchasing/Green Products, and as of July 2013, has been focussing on Quality Management/Green Products at REWE Group, where he is responsible, amongst other things, for the development of sustainable product ranges.
Prof Christel Cederberg, Department of Energy and Environment, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg

Christel has an MSc in agriculture, PhD in environmental Science and is professor at the Department of Energy and Environment, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg. Before going into research, Christel worked in the extension service as crop consultant with a special interest in plant nutrients and fertiliser strategies. In her research she focuses on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of agricultural systems, especially for livestock and feed production and land use issues.
Mr Tony Bruggink, IDH

Tony Bruggink is Program Director at IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative. IDH aims to deliver mainstream sustainable impact in commodity supply chains by co-investing with frontrunners from the industry and civil society. Since 2013 Tony leads IDH’s Fruits & Veg, Flowers, Spices, Soy, Cashew and Natural Stone programs. He is also involved in IDH’s co-operation with Grow Africa.
Prior to joining IDH (1999 to 2012), Tony held the position of CEO at Salentein Holding BV (a family owned, large-scale primary producer of beef and arable crops like soy and corn, and a grower, producer and world-wide exporter of fine wines and fresh fruits).
Tony Bruggink was previously General Manager of Koepon Holding BV, a company active in cattle breeding, agricultural real estate and dairy production in Europe and North America. He was also the first General Manager of Holland Genetics, the newly formed National Dutch Cattle Breeding co-op after a merger of all breeding co-ops, and held management positions in Agricultural Export, Research and Extension organisations in the Netherlands.
Tony studied Agricultural Sciences and Marketing (MSc) at the Agricultural University Wageningen after which (in 1979) he started his professional career at the Agricultural Development Corporation in Kenya.
Sandra Mulder, World Wide Fund for Nature

Sandra Mulder is a Senior Advisor for Market Change for the World Wide Fund for Nature in the Netherlands (WWF NL). Sandra’s responsibilities include the influence of the Dutch stakeholders to move to responsible sourcing of soy and palm oil, and is a member of the international Soy Core Team of WWF. Last year Sandra acted as the interim lead overseeing the development of the first Soy Report Card of WWF as part of the global soy program of WWF’s Market Transformation Initiative. She currently represents WWF on the board of the Round Table on Responsible Soy, and is a member of the Dutch Soy Coalition (a coalition of 8 NGO’s), and is an advisory board member of the Dutch Chain Transition Responsible Soy on behalf of 3 Dutch NGO’s.
Prior to working for WWF NL, Sandra held several positions in government and the corporate sector. Between 2001 and 2009. Sandra was Executive Director of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) in the Netherlands, where she worked closely with the corporate sector and NGO’s to increase the market share of FSC timber and paper in the Netherlands.
Sandra has a master degree in Forest Ecology and in Business Administration, from Wageningen University.
Dr Daniel Nepstad, Earth Innovation

Daniel Nepstad (PhD, Yale) is the Executive Director, President and founder of Earth Innovation Institute (formerly IPAM International Program), a research, policy and outreach organization that supports sustainable development in Brazil, Indonesia, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Kenya. He is a forest ecologist and land-use policy specialist and has studied the Amazon Basin for 30 years, with a focus on forest responses to climate change, land use, and REDD.
Previously, he was Senior Scientist at the Woods Hole Research Center, Chief Program Officer for Environment at the Moore Foundation, and Lecturer at Yale. He is a member of California’s REDD Offset Working group (ROW), the Board of Directors of Aliança da Terra, IPAM (which he co-founded) and Forest Trends, and was a Board member of the RTRS.
He is a lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, Working Group 2, AR5) and has published more than 140 scientific articles and 3 books.
The conference programme will be made up of 3 interactive Panel Sessions.
Time | Description |
08:30 | Delegate Registration and Exhibition Opens |
09:00 - 09:05 | Opening Remarks by President of the ProTerra Foundation, Augusto Freire |
09:05 - 09:15 | Welcome by Master of Ceremonies, Juliet Morris |
Session 1 Creating Sustainable Value Chains - Understanding Scale |
09:15 - 09:35 | Prof Harry Aiking, VU University Insights into Sustainable Proteins: Past, Present and Future
09:35 - 09:55 | Daniel Nepstad, Earth Innovation Sustainable farms or sustainable territories? Lowering the costs of clean supply chains.
09:55 - 10:15 | Prof Christel Cederberg, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg Pesticides in soybeans - trends in use and dependence
10:15 - 10:35 | Sandra Mulder, World Wide Fund for Nature The role of consumer countries in stopping deforestation
10:35 - 10:55 | Q & A |
10:55 - 11:25 | Refreshment Break |
Session 2 Creating Sustainable Value Chains - Creating Impact |
11:25 - 11:45 | Mr Tony Bruggink, IDH Upscaling sustainability in commodity chains
11:45 - 12:05 | Dr Sibyl Anwander, ProTerra Foundation ProTerra - from the Basel Criteria to worldwide impact
12:05 - 12:25 | Dr Ludger Breloh, REWE Perspectives of the protein animal feed market in Germany - the point of view of the REWE Group
12:25 - 12:45 | Q & A |
12:45 - 14:30 | Lunch - Meeting The Minds |
Session 3 Creating Sustainable Value Chains - Taking Responsibility |
14:30 - 15:00 | Panel presentations from 6 participators along the value chain
15:00 - 16:15 | Panel discussion - open to the audience |
16:15 - 16:35 | Dr Belinda Howell, Retailers' Soy Group Balancing supply and demand for certified responsible soy
16:35 - 16:50 | Closing Remarks |
Cocktails and Refreshments |
The Privathotel Lindtner Hamburg will host this year’s ProTerra Conference. This fabulous venue is located in one of the most beautiful green areas of Hamburg with excellent connections to the city centre and lots of complimentary car parking.
The Foundation is delighted to be hosting the 2014 conference in Hamburg at a venue that handles the resources of nature consciously and sustainably as a matter of course.
To assist you with your attendance we have secured preferential rates at the Privathotel Lindtner.
Privathotel Lindtner Hamburg
Heimfelder Straße 123
21075 Hamburg
Telephone: +49 (0)40 79009-0
2014 PRESS
With approximately 75% of the soy produced worldwide being used for animal feed, and with demand for animal-based food expected to rise, pressures on the ecosystem will spiral.
The 2014 ProTerra Foundation Conference looked at the scale of the social and environmental challenges faced by a growing world population and the rising demand for food and feed.
This conference invited all participants from the agricultural value chain to learn about practical solutions available, and opened up debate about ways to improve and upscale existing good practices.
In 2012, approximately 270 million tonnes of soy was produced, and this figure is expected to rise to meet the growing demand for high protein animal feed from developing and emerging countries. Over recent years, vast areas of forest, grassland and savannah have been converted to agriculture, and biodiversity is in decline. The continued pressure on these natural resources will result in further loss of natural environments, leading to irreversible losses of biodiversity.
Whilst there is no single solution, there are good examples of better management practices that demonstrate the positive impacts. Whether you are an agricultural producer, trader, buyer in feed, meat or dairy, a food or feed processor, retailer, distributor, ingredient and raw material company, financial institution, industry or consumer organisation, by coming together, we can all contribute to the transition towards a more responsible production and sourcing of agricultural commodities.
We need to act urgently in order to reduce the pressure on the Amazon, the Cerrado, the Chaco and other rich and valuable ecosystems that are vital to the health of the planet and people.
The conference explored the possibility of creating added value for responsible companies and their clients along the value chain, as well as considering the potential for collaboration between participators of the private and the public sector.
Taking place one day prior to the European Commodity Exchange, The ProTerra Foundation hosted its 3rd annual conference on Wednesday 15th October 2014. It opened its doors to 200 of the industry's leaders and interested organisations, providing opportunities to network with peers and learn from companies and countries showcasing efforts achieved to date.
When you make the decision to sponsor the ProTerra Foundation Conference 2014, you gain access to some of the most influential decision makers, and you get all the benefits of our innovative and highly effective marketing support to help you maximise your return on your participation.
Sponsor the ProTerra Foundation Conference 2014 and you will:
- Network with a truly global audience
- Meet with highly targeted industry executives
- Benefit from being part of an extensive marketing campaign
- Amplify the sustainability stance of your brand before, during and after the event
- Benefit from Industry media coverage
- Establish new contacts
- Open up new opportunities
- Develop relationships
- Launch and showcase new products
- Opportunity to present your message to a highly qualified audience
ProTerra Foundation Conference 2014 packages will help you meet your business development, branding and sustainability objectives, and will do so within your budget.
AgroTrace provides solutions primarily for the animal compound feed industry.
The focus is on certified sustainability and Non-GMO raw ingredients that enable manufacturers, brand owners and retailers at the end of the supply chain to make GMO-free (Ohne GenTechnik, Sans OGM) claims under any of the existing legal provisions in Europe.
We operate with products that are certified under the ProTerra Standard and the Cert ID Non-GMO Standard and we bring solutions to some of Europe’s largest consumers as well as to very small ones.
- Charter member of VLOG – German Association Food without Genetic Engineering, Berlin
- Member of Danube Soy Association, Vienna
- Member of ProTerra Foundation, Utrecht
AgroTrace strives to introduce its clients to entirely new approaches in the procurement of soybeans, soybean meal etc. – approaches that may even offset some of the high premia charged by the market in 2013 and early 2014. So far, major parts of 2014 have been totally unusual. We see reasons to be optimistic that 2015 will be of an entirely new quality.
AgroTrace S.A. Regus Business Center 14, rue du Rhône 1204 Geneva Switzerland |
T: +41 (22) 870 9880 F: +41 (22) 731 3364 E:[email protected]/images |
To be a company of reference in sustainable development; this is the Amaggi´s Vision. Our target is to reach it in the shortest possible time because we know this can contribute positively to the agribusiness sector and its supply chain, showing that responsible production is quickly becoming one of the main transformation engines for the planet.
The company works in all phases of the agribusiness chain with integration and synergy, from the production of soybeans, corn, cotton, and soy seeds to river transport, and also in soybean origination and processing, the trading of grain, commodities, electric power, and port operations.
In the social arena, we add the efforts of the André and Lúcia Maggi Foundation, which supports communities where Amaggi operates by contributing to the local and human development in partnership with the stakeholders of each region.
Caramuru is a 100% Brazilian capital operating in the business of processing soya, corn, sunflower and canola. Caramuru is engaged in the industrialization of grains, extraction and refining of oils, exports of soy beans, bran, oil, Lecithin, Soy Protein Concentrate (SPC) and in the production of biodiesel.
Caramuru´s sustainability is based on three pillars: in the financial-economical results of its operations, in the social responsibility towards its stakeholders and respect for the environment. All this aims for an independent, ethical and human Caramuru, a company that contributes for the development of their people, communities and country.
Cert ID prides itself in being responsive to its clients and the needs of the marketplace. With offices in Brazil, US, and the United Kingdom, Cert ID is the acknowledged leader in Non-GMO and sustainability certification. Cert ID operates in various geographies, including Asia and Eastern Europe.
As the Non-GMO certifier of choice by European retailers and major brands, Cert ID is proud to be the first Certification Body appointed by the ProTerra Foundation to offer ProTerra Certification, which assesses all dimensions of sustainability, including Non-GMO.
In addition to Cert ID Non-GMO Certification and sustainability certification to the ProTerra, ISCC, RTRS and Bonsucro standards, Cert ID also provides food safety certification against global standards such as the BRC Global Standard, ISO22000 and SQF 2000, and offers Halal certification.
Cert ID's professional, customer focused auditors work alongside your management and administrative team, verifying your supply chain is safe, sustainable and ethical.
Brazil Office T: +55 (51) 3012-7080 E: [email protected]/images W: |
UK Office T: +44 (0) 1675 475 607 E: [email protected]/images W: |
USA Office Tel: + 1 641 209 4531 E:[email protected]/images W: |
Denofa - Your Reliable Partner in Non-GMO Soy.
Denofa is a Norwegian producer of non-GMO, traceable, sustainable soy products free of salmonella.
Our products are soybean oil, soybean meal and soy lecithin. Denofa's highly developed quality assurance system results in products of a high and uniform quality, upholding the highest hygienic standards.
We are driven by the demand for safe feed and food and we are fully dedicated to sustainable certified soy.
For more information about Denofa:
Danube Soya stands for GMO-free, origin-controlled quality soya from the Danube Region – as contribution to a European Protein supply.
The Organization promotes and boosts the cultivation of non-GM quality soya in the Danube Region.
Through investment in the cultivation of quality soya in the Danube Region the Organization will also boost the River Danube as European transportation route and bring necessary logistical investments.
Together with its partners, the Organization implements breeding and research projects for a GMO-free soya seeds and soya-plant protection concepts.
The Danube Soya Organizations headquarter is in Vienna, has an office in Romania, and one in Serbia.
In 2013 the certified quantity added up to 40.000 to of soya beans. For the harvest of 2014 we expect a quantity of 200.000 to.
EWOS is a leading and trusted supplier of feed for the international aquaculture industry. We operate in all four of the world’s major salmon farming regions in addition to Vietnam, where we produce feed mainly for tropical species.
Improvements in feed sustainability are the result of continuous investment in R&D and responsible sourcing. Long-term productive relationships with our suppliers are essential to ensure the high quality raw material we need to produce more than one million tons of sustainable feed each year.
We can proudly present a strong track record regarding quality and food safety, and promise continuous commitment to improvement.
fenaco is a modern self-help enterprise of Swiss farmers. In a binding partnership with the agricultural cooperatives/LANDI, it supplies farmers with all the material they need to produce high-quality foodstuffs.
The business group of grain, oilseeds, feedstuffs (GOF) is a sector of fenaco. We are well aware of our responsibility not only towards consumers, but also to animal owners and farmers, and cultivate an open, fair and uncomplicated business policy. fenaco was one of the founding members of the Swiss network for sustainable Non-GMO soy.
With over 15 years of testing experience, Genetic ID is a highly respected and trusted partner to the food and feed industry worldwide.
Our commitment to scientific research and development, our precise analytics and customer service, together with our long-standing professional experience in analyzing food and feed products means that you and your company can rely on Genetic ID. Our expert team will provide you with the most comprehensive, economical testing approach for your specific situation and sample types. Our lab is accredited to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 and your test results from Genetic ID carry our assurance of the highest level of accuracy and reliability.
IMCOPA has been operating in the soya complex for more than 40 years and currently employs over 580 people. With its head office located in Araucaria, State of Paraná in Brazil, IMCOPA has two industrial units, storage facilities for beans in the state of Paraná and Mato Grosso and for proteins in the port of Paranaguá. IMCOPA also has an office located in The Netherlands with packing and storage facilities.
IMCOPA is a pioneer in the manufacturing of Non-GMO products and one of the world’s largest lecithin and proteins producer, being a reference in the European market for these segments.
The company exports to UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Switzerland, Scandinavia, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Austria, Eastern Europe, Russia, Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Kenya, Congo, South Africa, USA, Greece, Middle East, Turkey and Egypt.
In order to be able to sell its products on these markets, IMCOPA holds all necessary certificates to ensure its customer demands.
Louis Dreyfus Commodities is a global merchandizer of commodities and processor of agricultural goods, operating a significant network of assets around the world. We are dedicated to providing sustenance for our planet and today we help feed and clothe up to 500 million people, originating, processing and transporting approximately 77 million tons of commodities around the world annually. We operate from farm to fork, with a diverse set of activities spanning the value chain.
We have been in this business for more than 160 years and we apply our experience to a broad portfolio of commodities. It includes Oilseeds, Grains, Rice, Feed, Freight, Finance, Juice, Cotton, Coffee, Sugar, Metals, Dairy and Fertilizers & Inputs. We participate in industrial scale sugarcane activities through Biosev, our sister company in Brazil, where we operate 12 sugar mills.
Provamel is the organic brand of Alpro, the European pioneer and market leader for plant-based drinks and food products. Living an organic lifestyle means living in a way that is good for you and for the environment. It is a lifestyle that encourages thoughtful and responsible decision-making so that the choices you make have a positive impact for you and the planet, so it is all about LOVE YOUR FUTURE. You can find the Provamel products in organic supermarkets and health stores.
With a state of the art plant located in Brazil, Selecta is the main Soy Protein Concentrate manufacturer and worldwide supplier to the salmon and young animal feed industries. The company has been adding value to the Brazilian agricultural supply chain for 30 years and act as one of the major players in the non-GMO soybean market.
Partly owned by renowned Chilean fishmeal producer Corpesca, Selecta's sustainability policies and efforts are in line with the highest international standards, and currently operates with 100% renewable resource energy sources from biomass.
Quallity and price are central product characteristics. In food, safety also plays an important role.
UBL Lehmann is specialized in all these relevant characteristics and offers the food and feed industry comprehensive consulting services with regard to quality, efficiency and product safety.
UBL Lehmann places special focus to support companies who wish to label their products with the “ohne Gentechnik“ seal (produced without GMO). This focus shows impact – UBL Lehmann continues to be one of the most established and well-known consulting companies within Agribusiness – especially when it comes to “produced without GMO“.
In this sense, concepts like: "FeedFinder Non-GMO" and “Identity Preserved Non-GMO“ are the results of a continuous business development.
Nonprofit organization holds international feed conference
FEBRUARY 11, 2013
ProTerra will holds its second international conference in Rotterdam.
The ProTerra Foundation, the nonprofit organization set up to support the European food and feed industries in sourcing sustainably produced, non-genetically modified grains, cereals and derivatives and in particular, soy will be staging its second international conference in Rotterdam, the Netherlands on May 14, 2013.
“Advancing Sustainability Together – the Future for Food and Feed” is the ProTerra Foundation’s second conference, having staged its first event to around 200 delegates in London in 2012.
The one-day conference will be held in Rotterdam in recognition of the Netherlands’ strong leadership role in food sustainability in Europe as well as the importance of Rotterdam in the European food trade. Rotterdam is one of the biggest access points for soy into Europe.
The ProTerra Foundation has engaged speakers from across the European food and agricultural industry, as well as supplier countries including Brazil and from the Danube River Basin. Early confirmed speakers include the executive director of RTRS; representatives from FNLI, the Dutch Federation of Food Producers; Cefetra, Triodos Bank, Danube Soy, Co-op Switzerland and REWE.
Established in 2012 in the Netherlands, the ProTerra Foundation is backed by industry stakeholders from both Europe and South America and is custodian of the highly successful ProTerra Certification Standard against which non-genetically modified soy producers and supply chain suppliers have been certifying millions of metric tons of soy for more than six years. ProTerra certification requires a strict non-genetically modified organism limit of less than 0.1 percent adventitious genetically modified contamination, strong traceability, PCR testing at critical control points, as well as protection of the rights of workers and indigenous people and preservation of the Amazon and other high conservation value areas. Press places are available for this conference.
The ProTerra Foundation Conference 2013 will take place at the world famous de Doelen Congress Centre in the heart of Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Following the highly successful event in 2012, the ProTerra 2013 conference will consider both the big picture - the sustainability of the global food system - and the practicalities and specifics of advancing the sustainability of one key commodity: soy. The conference will focus on how integrated, cooperative action among all members of the global food system is key to further advances in sustainability.
The global food system consists of interlocking, interdependent elements. When any one of these undergoes transformation, every other element in the system will also need to change.
Today, virtually all participants in the global food chain agree that achieving a sustainable food system is a key goal for the next decade. ProTerra 2013 will inspire and provide you with solutions and new insights, enabling you to advance the sustainability strategy of your company to the next level.
Speakers, including leaders from every level of the food system, from producers to retailers, and representing organisations from across Europe and South America, will discuss how to most effectively work together with a global vision to assure a sustainable future for the soy supply chain.
Attendees at ProTerra 2013 will benefit from a range of opportunities
- Gain access to world-leading industry and sustainability experts
- Network with the leaders in your industry
- Expand your knowledge of sustainability in all its dimensions
- Gain insights regarding sustainability that will advance your business
- Learn about emerging industry trends
- Explore some of the most promising solutions to the challenges facing the soy industry today
If you are involved in sustainability in the food or feed industries, ProTerra 2013 is a must attend event.
The ProTerra Foundation prides itself on bringing you face-to-face with some of the industry's leading speakers and presenters - the 2013 ProTerra Foundation Conference is no exception.
The speakers will examine the unique roles of the various players in the soy supply chain, from retailers, to livestock producers, to feed manufacturers and commodity traders in Europe and from seed breeders and suppliers, to soy producers, to processors and exporters in supply countries, particularly Brazil.
Attendees will hear from industry professionals at the cutting edge of changing trends. Our line-up includes some of the most recognisable names, including:
Sibyl Anwander Phan-Huy, Head of Economic Policy and Sustainability, Coop Switzerland
Per Baummann, Coordinator Food Safety and Regulatory Affairs, Swedish Food Retailers Federation
Koen Bouckaert, Vice President Strategy & Business Development, Alpro
Augusto Freire, President, ProTerra Foundation
Philip den Ouden, Director General, Federation of the Netherlands Food and Grocery Manufacturers (FNLI)
Nina Flechtker, Consultant Sustainable Procurement, REWE
Koert Jansen, Senior Fund Manager, Triodos Bank
Matthias Kroen, President, Danube Soy Association
Juliana Lopes, Director of Sustainability, AMaggi
Agustin Mascotena, Executive Director, RTRS
Ricardo Tatesuzi de Sousa, Executive Director, ABRANGE
Karst Vellinga, MD within the Cefetra Group
De Doelen Congress Centre, Rotterdam will host this year’s ProTerra Conference. This fabulous venue is located in the heart of Rotterdam, just walking distance from the central railway station – Rotterdam Centraal Railway Station.
De Doelen is both a concert venue and convention centre in Rotterdam offering a variety of facilities. It is well known as a venue for classical music and is the home of the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra.
De Doelen
The Foundation is delighted to be hosting the 2013 conference in the Netherlands, not only because the soy supply chain is intimately connected with Dutch trade, with more than 80% of all soy used in Europe imported through Holland but also because the Netherlands has taken a strong leadership role in food sustainability in Europe.
How To Find Us
De Doelen Congress Centre
Jurriaanse Complex
Kruisplein 30
3012 CC Rotterdam
The conference programme will be made up of 3 interactive Panel Sessions along with a lively Roundtable discussion.
Morning Session
Time | Description |
08:30 | Delegate Registration and Exhibition Opens |
09:00 | Welcome and Introduction |
09:05 | Key Note Address No company, no matter how large or small can achieve sustainability in isolation. We must work together. |
09:30 - 11:00 | Advancing Sustainability Together. The Global Vision Why? When? Who? Why the time has come for industry to take action to advance sustainability |
11:00 - 11:30 | Refreshment Break |
11:30 - 13:00 | Advancing Sustainability Together. The Role of Certification The world's leading certification bodies explore strategies of how working together can better serve the industry |
13:00 | Lunch |
Afternoon Session
Time | Description |
14:00 - 15:30 | Advancing Sustainability Together. The Industry in Action World leaders in our industry will share with you their own sustainability stories, challenges and achievements |
15:30 - 16:00 | Refreshment Break |
16:00 - 17:00 | Roundtable discussion Why cooperation within industry is beneficial to advancing sustainability of the food and feed supply chain and how this can best be accomplished. |
17:00 | Close |
The ProTerra Foundation reserves the right to make changes to the agenda.
PRESS 2013
How the food and feed industries can work together to advance sustainability was the theme of the second ProTerra Foundation Conference held recently in the Netherlands.
Expertly chaired by BBC journalist, Juliet Morris, the conference attracted almost 150 delegates from around the world all involved in food and feed. From academics and retailers through to product manufacturers, soy suppliers and NGOs, delegates heard from distinguished speakers and were also able to put questions in a series of lively Q and A sessions.
The morning started with the keynote presentation from Wolfgang Koehler applying the lessons learned from working with the Öhne Gentechnik programme in Germany.
The first session focussed the roles that both retailers and consumers must take in order to advance acceptance of sustainability. Dr Johannes Simons, from the University of Bonn looked at consumer perception of sustainability issues while Nina Flechtker, Consultant in Sustainable Procurement, REWE Group discussed the German retailer’s efforts to advance the soy supply chain as part of their commitment to sustainable and GMO-free animal feed.
Well-known soy brand Alpro rounded off the session with an overview of the role of brand owners in assuring a sustainable, secure food system and how Alpro will be the first brand to have the ProTerra certification mark on-pack in the UK.
The power of certification in the Dutch retail sector was outlined by Philip den Ouden, Director General, Federation of the Netherlands Food and Grocery Manufacturers (FNLI).
Matthias Kroen, President of the Danube Soy Association and Agustin Mascotena, Executive Director of Round Table for Responsible Soy - the two main certifications bodies along with ProTerra, then gave fascinating insights in their individual certification programmes. During this session Augusto Freire, President of the ProTerra Foundation, presented on the science behind ProTerra's innovative approaches to sustainability metrics and assessment.
Following an opportunity to network and visit some of the exhibition stands over lunch, the conference’s afternoon session focussed on the strategies that private and public industry is taking in advancing sustainability issues in the commodity supply chain.
Ricardo de Sousa, Executive Director, ABRANGE, the Brazilian Association of Non-GMO Grain Producers shared details of the dynamic programmes that ABRANGE is carrying out to ensure that soy producers have the high quality seeds and the technical knowledge needed to progressively advance the sustainability of the soy supply chain.
Working in partnership with other organisations is key to advancing sustainability as several speakers highlighted: Claudia Staub, Project Manager Sustainability, Coop Switzerland presented on the Co-op’s successful co-operation with Bio Suisse, the Swiss organic farmers' association to provide customers with organically produced, animal friendly and high quality food at affordable prices.
Juliana Lopes, Director of Sustainability, AMaggi Group gave an amusing presentation on the realities of sustainable production especially in Brazil. Karst Vellinga, MD within soy suppliers Cefetra Group discussed the challenges and progress toward achieving sustainability in the soy supply chain, particularly from the perspective of sustainable supply chains that meet the needs of producers and European end users.
A thought provoking day of presentations was rounded off by a panel discussion with John Fagan of the ProTerra Foundation challenging industry, retailers and suppliers to think about the opportunities available for advancing sustainability
ProTerra Foundation launched to support sustainably farmed non GM crops
4 Mar 2012
As demand for non-GMO products worldwide increases, a new nonprofit organisation has been launched in the Netherlands to support the European food and feed industries in sourcing sustainably produced, non-genetically modified grains, cereals and derivatives and in particular, soy.
Backed by industry stakeholders from both Europe and South America, the ProTerra Foundation claims that the growth in genetically modified crops is not only a risk to food safety and food security, but causes a devastating impact on the welfare and lives of farmers and rural communities in countries such as Brazil and Argentina, from where millions of tonnes of soy meal, soy beans and soy oil are imported into the EU every year.
The foundation is dedicated to providing the agricultural and food industries with the tools that they need to achieve improved sustainability performance. As a result, the ProTerra Foundation has recently become the new custodian of the highly successful ProTerra Certification Standard against which non-GMO soy producers and supply chain suppliers have been certifying millions of tonnes of soy for more than six years.
The programme, originally created by Cert ID, has already significantly contributed to improving the sustainability of the soy supply chain. It is anticipated that placing the ProTerra certification programme under the governance of an independent non-profit foundation, managed through a broad multi-stakeholder consultation process, will amplify its application and effectiveness as well further enhance its standing as an independent quality mark.
ProTerra certification requires a strict non-GMO limit of less than 0.1% adventitious EU authorised GM contamination, strong traceability, PCR testing at ‘critical’ control points, as well as protection of the rights of workers and indigenous people and preservation of the Amazon and other high conservation value areas (HCVAs).
The strength of ProTerra Certification helps mitigate brands’ exposure and liability related to GMOs and the full range of social and environmental issues. ProTerra also provides the technical basis upon which companies can make strong Non-GMO and ethical claims. It is anticipated that EU retailers and brands will use the new ProTerra certification Trustmark to identify on-pack to consumers products produced without GMOs and according to advanced sustainability practices.
Augusto Freire, Managing Director of Cert ID Brazil said:
“The truth about farming genetically modified soy capable of withstanding being drenched in toxic pesticides and their effect upon the environment and soil fertility is shocking. Understandably EU consumers are therefore sensitive about the impact of food production on people and the planet, and VERY sensitive about GM in their foods‟.
Richard Werran, Managing Director of Cert ID Europe added:
“The aim of The ProTerra Foundation is to support the feed and food industries in supplying non-GM soy with improved sustainability performance. By fostering agricultural production systems that are sensitive to social and environmental issues, we can contribute to sustainably meeting growing global food demands.
“A rigorous certification programme such as ProTerra which addresses every aspect of the crop’s journey, from farm to fork can contribute significantly to this goal”.
As part of its educational agenda, the ProTerra Foundation is hosting a conference on 24th April 2012 at The Natural History Museum London. The conference will bring together participants from all stages of the soy supply chain, from South America, Asia and Europe including retailers, food manufacturers, feed suppliers, farmers and other stakeholders to explore in-depth the sustainability of the soy supply chain.